Large Fruit & Veg, Suburban Woolworths Centre
Early into long lease, landlord proposed to renovate and refurbish but also relocate fruit and veg business into bigger premises, in a poorer location. Additional…
Early into long lease, landlord proposed to renovate and refurbish but also relocate fruit and veg business into bigger premises, in a poorer location. Additional…
End of lease. Following large extension, which created two food courts, original food court lost extensive foot traffic. GEM Lease Analytics™ software evaluation could not…
Proved misrepresentation by landlord. Business owner closed the business and settled with trade creditors four years before lease-end.
Major landlord was prepared to renegotiate lease rent 18 months early. GEM Lease Analytics™ evaluation supported circa $65,000. Business will be relocated to a slightly…
This was a genuine market review opportunity, backed by current facts. In this instance, the landlord had no facts backing up their case.
GEM Lease Analytics™ analysis supported landlord’s case for increments resulting in $550K annual rent by lease-end.
GEM Lease Analytics™ supported a CPI increment, down from 5%, hence obviating the need to have a Specialist Retail Valuer appointed to determine market rent.
Initial use of GEM Lease Analytics™ in submission to determining valuer. Since this step-by-step evaluation process was invented, important improvements have been made.