
Main office

Level 1, 16 McDougall St, Brisbane City, QLD 4064, Australia

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Key People

Don Gilbert

Inventor of GEM Lease Analytics™ & Technical Consultant, Retail Leasing

B Com/B Econ; Dip Prop Val; Cert Med & Arbit. CPV; MRICS
(RICS accredited valuer, expert and arbitrator)

30 years of experience in the retail sector and inventor of the “Gilbert Evaluation Methodology™“ or “GEM Lease Analytics™” of “Evaluating the Reasonable Rent for ONE Retail Lease”. Don has presented 16 professional papers on his Intellectual Property, including the GEM Lease Analytics™, at many prestigious international conferences.

Emilia Seibold

Manager of Product Development

BA (Dartmouth, US), FAIM, GAICD

30 years experience as an Entrepreneur, CEO, non-executive Board Member or Consultant to a variety of companies and industries. Founded and grew a US-based IT firm that was acquired by a publicly traded company in 2002.

Expert at business process analysis & software design, building business & IT infrastructure, creating intellectual capital, and managing organizational change.

Gilbert Family Pty Ltd, ACN 154 078 092, in its capacity as Trustee of Gilbert Family Trust, has granted a worldwide license to 3D Economics Pty Ltd, ACN 156 531 967, to market, promote, sell and support licenses of GEM Lease Analytics™ (‘GEM Analytics™’) software. 3D Economics Pty Ltd has granted a sub-license to 3D Retail Economics Pty Ltd, ACN 643 202 868, to do the same in Australia. Gilbert Evaluation Methodology™, GEM Method™, GEM™, GEM Lease Analytics™, GEM Analytics™, GEM Lease Eval™,GEM Lease Wizard™ are Trademarks of Gilbert Family Pty Ltd in its capacity as Trustee of Gilbert Family Trust.”